Jun 18Liked by Sandy McKnight

Liv, there are no words...you've said them all...beautifully and heartbreakingly. And you're right, there's no spin to be made on this one; maybe someday somebody will invent some platitudes that actually work. They certainly weren't Sandy's style. Thank you for showing us the lyrics to "Find a Way." I've heard Sandy sing that many times...and now I'm seeing it for the first time. I could say that everyone loves you and everyone's heart is breaking for you, but that would be stating the obvious...the kind of thing that Sandy would call me out on. But what the hell: we love you, Liv.

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Jun 17Liked by Sandy McKnight

Thank goodness we still have you... (Meant to add that)

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Jun 17Liked by Sandy McKnight

Liv, this is beautiful and i know there is no actual answer to the experience of this kind of loss... I'm so glad you've picked up the blog and are sharing your grief. Since i read the blogs i had Sandy in the periphery of regular life and will say, for my own part, since i hadn't seen him in a long time, that it's hard to believe his journey has ended... But i know it has and it makes me sad... For you, but also for those of us who got to have the two of you in our lives. ❤️

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Jun 15Liked by Sandy McKnight


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Thank you, Liv, for keeping Sandy alive for his friends and for sharing his music and your thoughts about him.

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Jun 15Liked by Sandy McKnight

Thanks for writing and sharing all this with us, Liv. Sounds like you have “hit the ground running,” but not by hardening your heart. And as Nannette the mother of my best friend John (“they” both have now died) told me 28 years ago when my own mother died, “you can’t do all your grieving at once. It takes time.” Ingmar Bergman’s “Fanny and Alexander,” IMHO one of his greatest films, may I suggest can offer some consolation for you (anyone!) in your grieving, if you have any time to watch it. It’s kind of a gift, so we’re not supposed to say too much about it, but I believe those loved ones get to watch over us, the bereaved.

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Thank you, Bill. I will seek out that film! Agreed it can’t all be done at once, though oh, how I wish I could press a button and be done with it!!

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Jun 15Liked by Sandy McKnight

The hardest thing, I find, is not having that person to share the details of the day with. Grief is hard, hard work.

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